Welcome to the Global Association for ESG

The Global Association for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is the premier certification and standard-setting body for ESG professionals globally. Our mission is to promote excellence and integrity in environmental, social, and governance practices across industries, fostering a global community committed to driving sustainable change.

Our Mission
To benefit humanity by establishing, maintaining and advancing global standards for ESG professions, as evidenced by the dual certification mark of GEP (Global ESP Professional) and GEE (Global ESG Expert)
About Us
"ESG is not just a buzzword. It's not a transient corporate trend that fades away like an afternoon storm or consistently takes a backseat to other international headlines.
It is crucial for the success of a company. ESG brings awareness to various climate issues and encourages businesses to adopt practices that are better for the environment. Companies that create value for all their stakeholders—including employees, customers, suppliers, the wider society, and the environment—are more likely to succeed and deliver strong returns, not just for their owners but for everyone involved.

Need for ESG Certification
The surge in demand for ESG leadership talent has exploded post-COVID-19. ESG certified individuals can help companies stay up-to-date with regulatory requirements and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.
ESG policies and frameworks are essential for business survival and growth.
Professional training in ESG is crucial for businesses and shareholders to meet evolving standards and demands."
Our Certifications
For Individuals
Global ESG Professional (GEP) Certification
Upon completing the basic course, individuals earn the prestigious title of Global ESG Professional (GEP), equipping them with foundational knowledge in ESG principles and practices.
Global ESG Expert (GEE) Certification
Upon successful completion of the advanced course, individuals are awarded the esteemed title of Global ESG Expert (GEE), signifying their mastery of advanced ESG concepts and strategies
For Corporates
Global ESG Professional (GEP) Certification
ESG Compliant Corporate Certification: Corporates must adhere to the standards set by the Global Association for ESG (GAESG) to earn the certification of ESG Compliant Corporate, validating their commitment to sustainable business practices.
Accreditation Body for Global Courses
Accreditation Body for Global Courses
Educational institutions seeking to have their global ESG courses accredited can reach out to us via email at connect@globalassociationforesg.com for certification and validation of their programs.

Get in Touch
Registered Address - 20-22 Wenlock Road,
London N17GU England